Dugsiga Kaxda oo soo gaba gabeyay Imtaxaanka Dhaxe
Dugsiga Hoose dhaxe ee Kaxda oo kamid ah dugsiyada ay maamusho Hayadda Somalid Austarlia (AAS) ayaa soo gaba gabeyay imtaxaanka dhaxe ee sanad Waxbarasheedka 2023-2024 kaas oo ah imtaxaankii ugu
Kahda Technical School
Aussie Association of Somalia is running a free technical school where youths and women are taught market skills for free to equip them with the needed economic skills to change
Omar Farouk Primary School
We are running a free primary school for IDps orphans and the vulnerable in Kahda District. The children are given free school uniform , shoes and books. We are planning