• info@aas.org.so
  • +252613646429
Discover About AAS

Discover About AAS

AUSSIE ASSOCIATION OF SOMALIA (AAS) is a local NGO, Non-profit and Non-political, which was formed in November 22, 2017 by group of Somali intellectuals in response to the increased insecurity, suffering, famine and deaths in Somalia. AUSSIE ASSOCIATION OF SOMALIA (AAS) is committed to support the well being of Somali community through providing education, humanitarian and development programs. AAS works with local communities, institutions, government and the needy persons in Somalia. During its existence, the organization has successfully conducted several activities such as workshops for increasing awareness of youth specially girls, women and university graduates and in education and in business people. AUSSIE ASSOCIATION OF SOMALIA dedicated much of its time and efforts to promote living standards of communities. In Mogadishu AUSSIE ASSOCIATION OF SOMALIA is represented by a liaison officer whose responsibility is to attend meetings and share information with other partners. AUSSIE ASSOCIATION OF SOMALIA has a clear focus and strategies both in terms of geographical area and constituents to serve to and as well sectors of specialty and intervention.
❤ Our Partners

❤ Our Partners

We will forever cherish you
Word alone cannot express how much grateful we are for our partners. We are as always happy to welcome another. Ready to become a partner? Contact us and let's have a deal! Your contribution will go a long way.
Our Directors 👔

Our Directors 👔

You are our pillars of operation
As a director, we know sometimes things get tough. But thank you for always sticking with us to the very end! Your efforts and help go a long way in touching other peoples lives. Keep up the good spirit.
Our Mission

Our Mission

AUSSIE ASSOCIATION OF SOMALIA strives to establish peace & development through promotion of peaceful conflict resolution mechanism and undertaking developmental programmes that aim to alleviate suffering and restoring human dignity and rights.
Our Vision

Our Vision

We envision the attainment and realization of sustainable livelihood & development for urban and rural most vulnerable Somali society effected by hazards such as drought, conflict, floods and Covid19.
Core Values

Core Values



Our Partners

Our Partners

Take the initiative today and make that move. Let's make the world a better place.

Take the initiative today and make that move. Let's make the world a better place.

Have any Question?

Have any Question?

Frequently asked questions

We are always open for any contribution and in so saying, welcome any contribution of any sort. You can access our various methods of contribution : Paypal, Payoneer or maybe feeling like joining us on our walks? You are also free to do so.

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